carbonman 05/02/2010
The head of the Irish Climate Analysis and Research Unit (Icarus), Prof John Sweeney, announced to students at a recent University conference in Dublin, that although the reality of man-made climate change was an accepted fact, (according to him), he admitted that the deniers are "winning the propaganda war". He went on to acknowledged that scientists were “lousy” at communicating their ideas to the general public.

“Not having being brought up in the literary and debating societies, scientists are not very good at winning arguments,”
What he fails to see, is that the scientific observations presented by the 'deniers' originate and are largely communicated by climate scientists who have resorted to publishing their own blogs (see links on right) because they have been unfairly and unscientifically silenced by the IPCC's unscientific agenda and powerful influence on Government funding, Green Industry and the new cash rich world of Carbon Trading.He goes on to say...
“We are facing a very articulated, very well-rehearsed and a very well-expanded set of arguments. We have to give credit where it is due.
Prof Sweeney is one of the contributing authors and review editors of the IPCC's Nobel Prize winning Fourth Assessment Report, at the centre of the recent embarrassing 'GlacierGate' scandal. As the head of ICARUS he advises the Irish Environmental Protection Agency on future climate predictions which go towards the making of Government Climate policy and carbon tax policy. He recently addressed the Irish Governments Joint Committee on Climate Change along with the Director of FOE (Friends of the Earth) Ireland, who aggressively campaign for Government action against Man Made Climate Change. Prof Sweeney is also a member of the board of Directors of FOE Ireland. One of his most recent predictions involves a temperature increase this century of up to 2 degrees, including the possibility of droughts in the wettest country in Europe.
Rather than confidently resting on the so called accepted facts of the evidence which he claims to possess in order to predict the future, he concerns himself with belittling recent reactions to false and misleading science from the IPCC report which he helped to assemble as “blown out of proportion”.He clearly doesn't understand the gravity of these errors in relation to the integrity of his research and results.
“They [sceptics] are winning the science communication war at the moment.” He told students that climate sceptics have marshalled a small number of arguments which sound scientifically plausible to back up their beliefs that man-made global warming is not happening.
So here we have a Professor who is also a Government adviser and an environmental campaigner, unable to see that the integrity of the science of Man Made Climate Change is indeed in serious trouble, and all he can do with his heightened position is attempt to discredit the sceptics, like some kind of university debating competition. Where is the dignity and humility of our trusted scientific process gone?. This is not the behaviour of a confident scientist supported by verifiable scientific facts and It's certainly not the actions one would expect from a top Climate scientist who acts as a reliable adviser for future Government policy making at the Tax payers expense.Rather than confidently resting on the so called accepted facts of the evidence which he claims to possess in order to predict the future, he concerns himself with belittling recent reactions to false and misleading science from the IPCC report which he helped to assemble as “blown out of proportion”.He clearly doesn't understand the gravity of these errors in relation to the integrity of his research and results.
“They [sceptics] are winning the science communication war at the moment.” He told students that climate sceptics have marshalled a small number of arguments which sound scientifically plausible to back up their beliefs that man-made global warming is not happening.
The real victory here is not the victory of words but the victory of science and scientists with true sceptical inquiring minds and the integrity to stand up against repressive forces who would rather they weren't heard. It appears Prof Sweeney represents this repressive force working in Ireland today by his lack of open and healthy scientific debate and It is most distressing that he is held up as an expert in this field teaching future scientists, only to dismiss any challenge to his authority which is clearly compromised by his associations with distorted institutions and scientifically ignorant environmentalists.
"The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance." — Albert Einstein
Extracts from The Irish Times 1/ 30/2010
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