Monday, August 10, 2009


Aug 2009

  • Climate Change is not new or even unique to industrialized man, the Climate has always been Changing. The Vikings farmed Greenland when it was a green land. They didn't drive cars, create CO2 emissions, or the Climate Change which caused Greenland to get colder.
  • Like the Vikings, We are not driving or making the Climate Change by CO2 emissions. The work of hundreds of scientists can confirm this. There is no independent, unequivocal, verifiable or reliable scientific evidence to support the theory that Climate Change is driven, caused by, or adversely affected by Man made carbon related activity. If there was, there would not be so many voices of dissent in the international science community.
  • In the Nobel prize winning film, 'An inconvenient Truth', by Al Gore, A case against it's content, brought forward by a parent to the U.K. High Court, resulted in a ruling which determined that the "Truth" was "alarmist and exaggerated", and has ordered that it must come with a disclaimer to point out untruths if used in UK schools. Why would Al Gore need to do this if the evidence is so strong?
  • The official science behind Global warming and Man Made Climate Change used in the Al Gores film can now be proven to be questionable and unreliable, which leads to the questionable integrity of the IPCC, the World authority on Man made Climate Change, as well as a collaborator and shared Nobel Prize winner.
  • The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is not a scientific organization made up of climate scientists, it's a UN political Panel with a political agenda, and therefore is only interested in collecting suitable scientific data through a small hand picked group of scientists, for the purpose of supporting a specific political agenda. In this case an agenda built on top of a naturally occurring Climate Change phenomena. In other words the policy came first and the science data has been tailored through climate computer modeling, which can be easily corrupted and is well known to be scientifically unreliable.
  • The current political agenda is to convince the World that Man made Climate Change is real, carbon is the cause and therefore we need to change our ways by means of a carbon tax. But CO2 is not causing Climate Change. There is no independent verifiable scientific evidence for this, so what is the true purpose of this agenda?
  • Man made Climate Change is a political agenda supported and driven largely by bureaucrats, misinformed environmentalists and a sensation hungry media world. Favourite lines are, 'Single most challenging problem facing mankind','Irreversible','imminent catastrophe','Climate Chaos','Disastrous consequences','Rising sea levels',and '2 degrees to disaster'. This is classic shock doctrine, and fear mongering based on zero evidence yet so fantastical to persuade us to trust the word of the authorities, drop all common sense, and to act emotively out of fear without thinking rationally.
  • The Climate Change science and warnings we hear about in the main stream media have a frequent tendency to focus on exaggerated and catastrophic predictions.Predictions are the business of psychics and palm readers, not science and scientists. Weather forecasters can't even predict a warm summer correctly. Supporting the theory of Man made Climate Change under these conditions is offensive to our intelligence and the integrity of the scientific process to reveal the truth about our reality, in a controlled and verifiable manner.
  • Hundreds of eminent international scientists including past IPCC panel members oppose the IPCC consensus on Man Made Climate Change, and many agree with the science demonstrating the central and driving role of the Sun in relation to Climate Changes. This theory can be illustrated and scientifically verified by historical records and patterns of Solar activity dating back to 'The Little Ice Age'(1645-1750) when the Thames of London froze over for a period.
  • Every scientist agrees that World Climate temperatures have always fluctuated between periods of warmth and cool. Current World temperatures have remained reasonably steady since 1998 even though CO2 levels continue to soar, and there is scientific evidence that we are currently at the end of a warming period, which could indicate a cooler period to come in this century. This is why the emphasis on the term 'Global Warming', has recently been readdressed by the term 'Man made Climate Change'.The awareness of this evidence may indicate why policy makers are in such a hurry to rush through a carbon tax and the fact that the term 'Global Warming', has all but disappeared from official use indicates a fear of the general public noticing that the temperature is not rising at all, particularly after some of the wettest summers and coldest winters on record.

  • Conclusion: The Climate has always been Changing, It's not CO2 so what is the real agenda?. Lord Stern, the World Bank's former chief economist, was credited with shifting the debate about climate change from an environmental focus to the economic impacts three years ago. We all agree that we need to free ourselves from oil dependency, and become more sustainable, and this is in the process of happening naturally anyway. The Green economy is independently driven by the economic need for sustainable healthy living rather than the need to Save the Planet from Man made Climate Change. The main point is if CO2 is not a problem, why are we making it so, and why are we being deceived from the very top of the Worlds political stage. We all have a democratic right to have the science verified publicly, transparently and independently if we are being asked to pay a carbon tax on our lifestyles, otherwise this is Dictatorial and a carbon tax will have a detrimental effect on our economies and no effect on the climate what so ever. How wasteful is this when money is needed so urgently in other areas such as our failing health systems for example. Supporting any form of carbon tax without any real independently verifiable science, is currently deceitful, futile, immoral, and economic suicide.

  • One reference supporting each point:

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