Thursday, October 1, 2009

Climate Change Is Just A Big Con 

(Letter From Irish Citizen To Irish Independent Newspaper)

Thursday October 01 2009

In reply to Nessa Childers ('Vote Yes to fight climate change', Letters, September 30), I still find it exasperating that people can't seem to grasp reality when it comes to the matter of climate change. What has Lisbon got to do with the weather?

I seriously wonder if any of these people have ever read one article or book about the subject, or looked at the growing evidence that the whole matter of man-made climate change is being exposed as a completely bogus threat. When will people wake up to this con?

Will it take abject poverty due to ever increasing carbon taxes, more long wet summers, colder winters and even more information refuting the whole scam before they realise that climate change is simply a natural cyclical event called weather?

People need to begin by ignoring TV and mainstream media propaganda when it comes to the whole argument surrounding climate change and many other issues, and start to do some logical, common sense thinking for themselves.

TV is not reality and if anyone can show me physical evidence that man is causing the weather to change, I'd be happy to take a look at it.

I know someone will write to refute this by pointing to numerous reports by so-called 'experts', but I can easily point to as many refuting them; so wherein lies the truth?

This is your life to live. Don't be conned by lies and propaganda, think for yourselves.

Ballyfarnon, Co Roscommon

Irish Independent

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