Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Blatant Propagandist Lies on 

‘Climate Change’ Insult to Irish Intelligence!

By Neil Foster, 30th June 2010.
  Duncan Stewart – Climate Change Pimp
Last night I was compelled to watch the much advertised and hyped Duncan Stewart Scary Story Spoof ‘A Burning Question’. This was the worst hour of television I’ve forced myself to watch since Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Lie’ global warming mockumentary.
To say this was biased in favour of the global warming lobby would be an understatement akin to saying that Josef Stalin was a naughty little boy.
As one lie followed another, I found this extremely hard viewing. In a conflict of emotions between outrage and hysterical laughter at the absurdity of the propaganda being pushed, I found myself at the end utterly disgusted as the rant of Stewart, his lackey pseudo scientists and imbecilic journalists such as John Gibbons ex of The Irish Times made me totally disgusted by these people.
The slur of Deniers was used of course as it had been on RTE the previous Saturday in a lengthy interview on the Marian Finucan Show where Duncan Stewart, an architect, insulted acclaimed botanic scientist, David Bellamy, who with many peer reviewed scientific articles to his name spanning decades, is in fact a recognised expert in his field of science as opposed to an architect who has fallen out of a tree trying to film a documentary, who is as much a scientist as Al Gore, the aforementioned idiot John Gibbons or for that matter Mickey Mouse.
The radio interview in many ways was much worse although it does show the real motivation of Stewart and his cronies and was obvious for all to hear when he stated openly that the science was fact and for anyone to read books to the contrary was not just a Holocaust Denier but a misinformed if not disinformed person in his opinion because they were obviously reading the wrong books. He went on to say that nobody should be reading these books because they were fooling and confusing people on the dangers of climate change and even the existence of manmade global warming. So we’re now being told by our ‘experts’ that we shouldn’t be reading books they don’t agree with. Sounds like totalitarianism to me.
We were warned of the impending move towards ‘zero energy’ homes without any explanation as to how this was to be achieved. One slip up in the TV program however was the admission that we had to stop using energy and that if we did ‘everything would stop’.
What is clear to anyone with the intelligence to think for themselves and listen to what was said in both programs is that these lunatics are panicking! The promotion of the utterly discredited IPCC by Stewart and his cronies and the fact that they are still using their 4th Assessment Report as factual scientific data is laughable. Stewart, in a moment of utter idiocy, proclaimed that independent reviews of the ‘climategate’ emails leak last November revealed that no wrongdoing had occurred and that the IPCC had been fully vindicated and were the still the premier source of ‘factual scientific study’ to back the claim that man is responsible, through CO2 emmisions, including breathing folks, for destroying the planet.
More idiotic remarks included the imminent catastrophe of the ‘projected’ 6 degree rise in global temperatures, using bogus data entered into computer modelling programs, despite no evidence to back this up in any way. Sea levels are of course to rise dramatically. Maybe Duncan should have reminded his slave master Gore before he bought his beach house in New York State.
And what about Gore’s mansions that use 20 times more power than the average American? Oh I forgot, that’s ok because Gore pays for ‘carbon credits’ which he buys from his own carbon trading corporation, Generation Investment Management’ and he’s already a ‘carbon’ billionaire due to the scam he’s been pushing for two decades.
The likes of Stewart and Gibbons or the other ‘gods of climate change’ they worship like Michael Mann of ‘hockey stick’ infamy or James Hansen of NASA who was also caught faking data to give higher temperatures, should understand that when their Communist masters have attained their goal that they will then be dispensable. A bullet in the back of the head is the usual Soviet way. I for one won’t shed a tear for these maniacs pushing the eugenicist agenda they care so much about. When that day comes I’m sure they’ll still believe the utter nonsense they’ve been promoting all of their pathetic adult lives.
More disturbing I suppose is that the radio interview and the TV documentary were both broadcast on the state television channel RTE which the taxpayer funds. It should also be noted that the government minister responsible for communications Eamon Ryan, is a Green Party member of parliament and has a vested interest in this type of propaganda being pushed to a gullible public. I personally object to paying for propaganda, regardless of whose side it comes down on by a media network who are supposed to give a fair and balanced view on any subject to the public it is supposed to serve.
It is not supposed to be the mouthpiece of fanatical fringe groups who just happen to be in power at this time even although only 2% of the electorate in Ireland voted for them and who’s ‘leader’ John Gormley was indoctrinated, sorry educated, at the East German Freiberg University, when it was still controlled by the Soviet Union. How does an Irishman who went to a St. Munchin’s College in Limerick find himself in the Soviet Union in a university famous for producing National Socialists (Nazis) and Communists? It was even run by Martin Heidegger amongst others, who was a famous admirer of Adolf Hitler!
I think it would be in the public interest to know what Mr. Gormley studied in Freiberg but it appears he doesn’t want to talk about that as he doesn’t include any qualifications on the Green Party website although he does admit he went to Freiberg. Incidentally, this was the same town where fluoride was successfully prosecuted on a number of occasions. I wonder if Mr. Gormley would care to explain how he has no idea of the damage to human health of the effects of fluoride? Perhaps not.
In another outburst of total imbecility from Stewart he criticised the media for apparently championing the ‘sceptical’ side of the nonexistent ‘debate’ on climate change. Apparently the media are reporting that it’s all a scam. I wish he’d pointed me towards a few articles in the Irish media holding that editorial position because for the life of me I haven’t read, heard or seen one mainstream media outlet who hasn’t gone full throttle into the climate change scaremonger’s camp.
If you read this Duncan, please leave a comment with a few links to these media magnates who are on my side. In return I’ll send you thousands who believe the lies and pseudo science you and the cretins who you hang around with are promoting. The FACT is Duncan that you’ve made it so obvious by the tone of this propaganda piece that you and your ilk are desperate because people are finally waking up to the scam of manmade global warming.  But hey, what do I know, I’m a ‘denier!’
Regrdless, I’d love to hear from you!

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