Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Does Bin Laden, Obama And Gore Have In Common?

'Unbelievable!... Bin Laden Uses US Made Climate Change Propaganda Spin Against The US... Could this be the true voice of Bin Laden who nobody has seen a picture of for many years' ???? carbonman

  • AFP 

  • January 29, 2010 9:27PM

  • Al-QAEDA chief Osama bin Laden blamed industrial nations for global warming and urged a boycott of the US dollar to end "slavery."
    The message, in an audiotape attributed to the terrorist leader, was aired by Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera today.
    "All industrial nations, mainly the big ones, are responsible for the crisis of global warming," the message went on.
    "We should stop using the dollar and get rid of it ... I know that there would be huge repercussions for that, but this would be the only way to free humankind from slavery ... to America and its companies."
    The tape's authenticity could not immediately be confirmed.???????????????????

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