Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Does Bin Laden, Obama And Gore Have In Common?

'Unbelievable!... Bin Laden Uses US Made Climate Change Propaganda Spin Against The US... Could this be the true voice of Bin Laden who nobody has seen a picture of for many years' ???? carbonman

  • AFP 

  • January 29, 2010 9:27PM

  • Al-QAEDA chief Osama bin Laden blamed industrial nations for global warming and urged a boycott of the US dollar to end "slavery."
    The message, in an audiotape attributed to the terrorist leader, was aired by Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera today.
    "All industrial nations, mainly the big ones, are responsible for the crisis of global warming," the message went on.
    "We should stop using the dollar and get rid of it ... I know that there would be huge repercussions for that, but this would be the only way to free humankind from slavery ... to America and its companies."
    The tape's authenticity could not immediately be confirmed.???????????????????

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Climategate Gives Lord Of The Sceptics Plenty Of Ammunition
    January 28, 2010 By Miranda Devine for The Sydney Morning Herald

    Why climate change is a 'scam'
    British politician Lord Monckton tells Environment Reporter Ben Cubby why he believes climate change is a scam. 
    (Click on video settings to watch video)

    The visit to Australia this week of Lord Christopher Monckton - the world's most effective global warming sceptic - couldn't have been better timed. Hot on the heels of the "Climategate" email leak, which called into question the "tricks" used to sex up the case for the war against global warming, have come back-to-back revelations tarnishing the reputation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
    First domino down last week was the claim in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report in 2007 - the one that won it a Nobel Prize - that the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035. As one of the most dire climate change outcomes, this claim received enormous publicity and was often cited by politicians.
    But, it turns out, the evidence was based not on credible peer-review science, but on an unsubstantiated report by the environmental group World Wildlife Fund for Nature.

    It stemmed from a 1999 beat-up in the popular journal New Scientist that featured an interview with an obscure Indian scientist, Syed Hasnain, who has since admitted his glacier prediction was "speculation".
    Hasnain now works for the Energy and Resources Institute in Delhi, whose director-general, Rajendra Pachauri, is also head of the IPCC.
    Even murkier is the fact the glacier furphy reportedly netted lots of grant money for the institute. "My job is not to point out mistakes,'' Hasnain told The Times of London. ''And you know the might of the IPCC. What about all the other glaciologists around the world who did not speak out?"
    Yes, what about them indeed. Are scientists just cowardly?
    The mendacity of the IPCC came to light when the Indian Government fact-checked its glacier claim. Belated scrutiny of the 2007 report has uncovered other bogus claims, and at least 16 WWF references.
    The next domino to fall was the IPCC's assertion that global warming was to blame for weather disasters such as hurricane and drought. The Sunday Times in London reported this was based on an unpublished scientific paper that had not been peer reviewed, and that, when it was published in 2008, had found no link.
    The latest revelation is that an IPCC claim about the Amazon rainforest was also drawn from a WWF report. The IPCC says it is simply a "human mistake" to parrot WWF press releases, as if they are credible science and not green propaganda, and no one bats an eyelid.
    Well, except Monckton, who has been batting his considerable eyelids (large because of a thyroid ailment) for years over bogus claims. He even succeeded in having a table in the 2007 report corrected after he pointed out that it overstated sea-level rises tenfold.
    Having been singled out for vilification last year by Kevin Rudd in an extraordinary speech, Monckton finds the times suit him well.
    Rudd's vehemence attracted the attention of semi-retired engineer John Smeed, who splits his time between Lane Cove and Noosa. He and another engineer, Case Smit invited Monckton to Australia, footing the $100,000 bill for his eight-city tour from their own pockets, offset by donations.
    I was invited to a small lunch for Monckton this week, hosted by Smeed and a Newcastle engineer, Jeff McCloy.
    In person, Monckton is taller and more serious than he appears on screen. Being a mathematician he has a logical mind, as well as irrepressible self-confidence, which makes him a formidable opponent for climate alarmists.
    Andy Pitman, a co-director of the University of NSW's Climate Change Research Centre, complained on ABC radio this week that climate sceptics are so "well funded, so well organised [and] have nothing else to do … They are doing a superb job at misinforming and miscommunicating the general public, State and Federal Government."
    Huh? How can climate alarmists pitch themselves as the underdog when they have had on their side the full force of government (and opposition until lately), media (apart from a few individual holdouts) and big business?
    Public opinion has changed as the credibility of the IPCC ebbs, the crippling cost of climate change measures becomes apparent and the array of rentseekers and phonies grows. Monckton is a man whose time has come because he owes nothing to anybody and he has the capacity to interpret the science to a public looking for answers.
    As an adviser to Margaret Thatcher, he learnt that when you make policy about an issue which is outside your expertise, you must distill it down to one proposition. In this case, how much will a given increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause warming? The answer determines whether or not you spend trillions of taxpayer dollars "and wreck the economies of the West".
    Monckton pored over scientific papers on climate sensitivity and concluded the IPCC exaggerated climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide at least sixfold, so we have time cautiously to decide whether or not to attempt to change global temperature.
    In any case, he says, what if every nation agreed to cut emissions by 30 per cent in the next 10 years? The "warming forestalled would be 0.02 celsius degrees, at a cost of trillions. There's no point doing it."
    The last refuge of alarmists is the precautionary principle, in which we "give the planet the benefit of the doubt". But Monckton says bad policy guided by the precautionary principle has already led to the death of millions of people as the transfer of farmland to grow biofuels meant less food, higher prices, food riots and starvation.
    He cites the United Nations special rapporteur Jean Ziegler, who said growing biofuels instead of food when the poor were starving was a "crime against humanity".
    Monckton says public opinion is "galloping" in his direction, which bodes ill for Rudd as he prepares to push through his emissions trading scheme next month.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    Climate-Gate Part II Begins Now

    The scientists with website announced findings late last week that not only was the CRU involved in producing fraudulent weather data, but two United States agencies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have also been falsifying climate reports for years. NOAA, the report concludes, is actually “ground-zero” for the fraud of global warming, not the East Anglia Institute.

    Climate researchers have discovered that government researchers improperly manipulated data in order to claim 2009 as “THE SECOND WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD.”

    In a new report supported by SPPI, computer expert E. Michael Smith and Certified Consulting Meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo discovered extensive manipulation of the temperature data by the U.S. Government’s National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, North Carolina Smith and D’Aleo accuse these centers of manipulating temperature data to give the appearance of warmer temperatures than actually occurred by trimming the number and location of weather observation stations and then ‘adjusting’ the data in ways that increase the apparent warming
    The Met Office Gives Us The Warmist Weather

    The UK's official weather forecasters are determined that winters should be mild, in the face of the frozen facts, says Christopher Booker
    By Christopher Booker
    Published: 7:12PM GMT 02 Jan 2010
    The reason the Met Office so persistently gets its seasonal forecasts wrong is that it has been hi-jacked from the role for which we pay it nearly £200 million a year, to become one of the world's major propaganda engines for the belief in man-made global warming. Over the past three years, it has become a laughing stock for forecasts which are invariably wrong in the same direction.
    What is not generally realised is that the UK Met Office has been, since 1990, at the very centre of the campaign to convince the world that it faces catastrophe through global warming. (Its website now proclaims it to be "the Met Office for Weather and Climate Change".) Its then-director, Dr John Houghton, was the single most influential figure in setting up the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the chief driver of climate alarmism. Its Hadley Centre for Climate Change, along with the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU), was put in charge of the most prestigious of the four official global temperature records. In line with IPCC theory, its computers were programmed to predict that, as CO2 levels rose, temperatures would inevitably follow. From 1990 to 2007, the Department of the Environment gave the Met Office no less than £146 million for its "climate predictions programme".
    But in the past three years, with the Met Office chaired by Robert Napier, a former global warming activist and previously head of WWF UK, its pretensions have been exposed as never before. The "Climategate" leak of documents from the CRU, along with further revelations from Russian scientists, have shown the CRU/Met Office alliance systematically manipulating temperature data, past and present, to show the world growing warmer than the evidence justified. And those same computers used to predict temperatures 100 years ahead for the IPCC have also been used to produce those weather forecasts that prove so consistently wrong.
    Scientific method has gone out of the window, to support a theory that looks more questionable than ever. The whole set-up – Met Office, Hadley Centre, the CRU, the IPCC – looks hopelessly compromised. It is a state of affairs so bizarre that it cries out for political intervention. Yet our politicians, from Gordon Brown and David Cameron down, are so in thrall to this new religion that they cannot see evidence staring them in the face – that the show has gone off the rails. How many more winters and summers will it take before sanity finally breaks in to put an end to this scandal?

    Thursday, January 21, 2010

    UN IPCC Apologises For Flawed Glacier Prediction

    ("For all those who believe in the unquestionable academic Integrity of peer-reviews and Scientists ability to predict apocalyptic futures!


    How does something this wrong happen and if so what else is wrong within the IPCC.Just the tip of the ice berg.Watch them fall in 2010".  Carbonman 21/01/2010)

    'The Chair, Vice-Chairs, and Co-chairs of the IPCC regret the poor application of well-established IPCC procedures in this instance'.

    THE United Nations' top climate change body has issued an unprecedented apology over its flawed prediction that Himalayan glaciers were likely to disappear by 2035.

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said Wednesday that the prediction in its landmark 2007 report was "poorly substantiated" and resulted from a lapse in standards.

    "In drafting the paragraph in question the clear and well-established standards of evidence, required by the IPCC procedures, were not applied properly," the panel said.

    "The chair, vice-chair and co-chairs of the IPCC regret the poor application of IPCC procedures in this instance."

    The stunning admission is certain to embolden critics of the panel, already under fire over a separate scandal involving hacked e-mails last year.

    The 2007 report, which won the panel the Nobel Peace Prize, said that the probability of Himalayan glaciers "disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high".

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    BBC Propaganda Machine Of Bent Science Strikes Again..This Time It's David Shukman.  

    The BBC make a very good example of how The Mythology of Man-Made Global Warming is perpetuated by a media machine bent on a blind political agenda rather than delivering reliable information.I have brought this up here before (Aug 2009 'BBC Policy to Stifle Global Warming Science Critics'), with reference to accusations from celebrated botanist David Bellamy and retired BBC news anchor man Peter Sissons, and here we find this obvious corruption of broadcasting again illustrated clearly in the article below which comes interestingly enough from a Blogger at reference to the BBC's latest attempt to explain away Britains coldest winter in many years.

    carbonman 16/01/2010

    David Shukman on weather and climate
    Thursday, January 07, 2010

    Following yesterday's item aimed at making sure the kids are still on message about MMGW, today we had Newsround for grown-ups. In a report which aired on the 6 pm news on both BBC 1 and Radio 4 this evening, David Shukman explained:

    "The key thing is that there's a difference between the weather and the climate. The weather's what you get day by day, month by month, like this cold spell. But the climate is the kind of weather you get over a thirty year period, and that's what the scientists say is changing."

    He was a little less clear about any distinctions back in May 2008 when he reported on a dry spell affecting Spain:

    In a year that so far ranks as Spain's driest since records began 60 years ago, the reservoir is currently holding as little as 18% of its capacity - at a time of year when winter rains would usually have provided an essential boost by now...

    And it may also remind people of the forecasts from climate scientists of still drier conditions to come in the approaching decades.

    As soon as Shukman left the area, it rained. A lot. From the Guardian, 7 June 2008:

    After months of the worst drought for 60 years, Spain has experienced the wettest May since 1971; it rained on 18 days of the month. Heavy rains have continued into June, which is rare during the Spanish summer...

    In Catalonia, the worst affected area, reservoirs whose levels had been reduced to only 20% are now nearly half full.

    A proposed water pipeline, cited by Shukman as evidence of the changing climate, was cancelled. From New Europe, 16 June 2008:

    The Spanish government recently cancelled a controversial plan to build a 62-kilometre pipeline to divert water from the river Ebro in the Tarragona region to the Catalan capital Barcelona, Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega said. There was no longer the situation of "extraordinary necessity" that had prompted the plan, Vega said.

    If Shukman did a follow-up pointing any of this out, I can't find it online.

    Here are some images from his May 2008 report. This, remember, was explained with reference to climate change:

    And here are some images taken from a Spanish blog in October 2009 showing the blogger's recent kayaking trip to the same Sau reservoir:

    The blogger states (via Google Translate):

    This year the Sau had a significant level in the water, exposing only the latest instalment of the famous bell tower of the church of Sant Romà de Sau.

    As far as the BBC is concerned, some weather events are more climate change than others.

    Update 8 January 10.40am. The BBC School Report website offers children the benefit of David Shukman's top ten tips for reporting the environment. In tip 7 Shukman tells the kids:

    If it's about a drought, stand in a dried-out reservoir.

    If the drought then suddenly ends, thus undermining your narrative, don't worry - just move on to the next alarmist story.

    Best of all is this sentence from tip 9:

    You're an ambassador for common-sense in a world of spin.

    Who knew Shukman had such a sense of humour? (Hyphenating "common sense" in that context isn't setting a very good example to budding journalists, though.)
    Climate Misinformation and Contradictions Continue Despite Extremely Cold Winter Across Northern Hemisphere...United Kingdom Meteorological Office were involved in the skullduggery at the CRU through the Hadley Centre

    By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Extreme cold weather across the Northern Hemisphere drew attention away from the leaked files from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) that showed how the entire work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was falsified. The cold simply isn’t supposed to happen. As Kevin Trenberth of the CRU gang said on 12 October 2009, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” It’s true only because they can’t hide the reality.

    Those who claim the cold weather alters nothing provided the real laugh. Most ridiculous of these came from the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO). They were involved in the skullduggery at the CRU through the Hadley Centre. UKMO is a major promoter of the IPCC and their former Director Sir John Houghton left to become a prime mover in the early formation of the IPCC.

    UKMO is among the most useless weather bureaus in the world because of totally failed forecasts and blind adherence to false science. This was supposed to be a mild winter. Last summer was supposed to be a “barbecue summer”, and in the previous summer they were equally 100% wrong.

    Now they lecture us on the meaning of current conditions. “The UK Met Office climate change bureau has issued a stinging attack on the idea that recent falls in global temperature might mean that global warming is over or has been exaggerated.”

    This parallels in stupidity the claim that the leaked emails of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU alter nothing. The statement shows how ignorant of weather and climate the UKMO people are and why they consistently fail.

    New Book On Climategate
    The Crutape Letters

    By Steven Mosher, Thomas W. Fuller

     The Climategate scandal covered from beginning to end--from 'Hide the Decline' to the current day. Written by two authors who were on the scene--Steven Mosher and Tom Fuller--Climategate takes you behind that scene and shows what happened and why.

    For those who have heard that the emails were taken out of context--we provide that context and show it is worse when context is provided.

    For those who have heard that this is a tempest in a teacup--we show why it will swamp the conventional wisdom on climate change.

    And for those who have heard that this scandal is just 'boys being boys'--well, boy. It's as seamy as what happened on Wall Street.

    About the author:

    Steven M Mosher, born in Grand Rapids Michigan, graduated Northwestern University and attended UCLA for graduate studies in literature. He later joined Northrop Aircraft where he worked as an threat analyst and director of analysis until transitioning to the commercial world in 1995 when he joined Creative Labs as a director of marketing and product development. Since 1995 he has specialized in the development of new consumer technologies such as 3D graphics, web cameras, Mp3 players and a variety of wireless devices. Since 2007 he has worked in the open source community and has been active leader in the effort to get open access to the data and code underlying climate science.

    Thomas Fuller was born in Denver Colorado and currently lives in San Francisco. Trained by the U.S. Navy in electronics and cryptography, he has been writing about technology ever since, usually market research reports with exciting titles like 'Project Global Market for Infusion Pumps 2009-2014.' This is a lot of fun by comparison.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Antarctic sea water shows 'no sign' of warming

    January 12 2010

    SEA water under an East Antarctic ice shelf showed no sign of higher temperatures despite fears of a thaw linked to global warming that could bring higher world ocean levels, first tests showed yesterday.  

    "The water under the ice shelf is very close to the freezing point," Ole Anders Noest of the Norwegian Polar Institute wrote after drilling through the Fimbul, which is between 250m and 400m thick.

    "This situation seems to be stable, suggesting that the melting under the ice shelf does not increase," he wrote of the first drilling cores.

    "The important thing is that we are now in a position to monitor the water beneath the ice shelf.

    "If there is a warming in future we can tell."

    The last IPCC report, in 2007, did not include computer models for sea temperature around the Fimbul Ice Shelf.