In 2005, John Gormley, head of the Green Party proposed a bill to the Irish Government. Supposedly,“the purpose of this Bill is to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act 1960. There is now a scientific consensus that fluoride works topically and does not need to be ingested to protect teeth. All the evidence shows that too much fluoride in the body gives rise to fluorosis, which is on the increase and to other health effects.”
Five years later, most of which John Gorm-less has been in power, and nothing has been done. Gormley and the rest of our pathetic “government” have sold their values down the river. They are poisoning our water with Sodium Flouride and nobdy’s doing a damn thing about it. On top of that, this month, they’ve brought in Water Charges and Carbon Taxes, not on the distributor, but on the consumer. They have us paying extra charges on our home heating fuel, in an engineered recession.
On the 21st of this month, Gormley is opening the Green Economy Expo in Croke Park, a conference about Ireland’s contribution to “the green economy”, and speaking about Climate Change and Green Energy Projects. This whole conference is based on the premise that man-made CO2 levels are responsible for the Climate Change we are experiencing. However, at this stage, we allknow otherwise and we intend to make sure they know the same. All the real facts on these issues are in full public view, and regardless of what the media say, there is no consensus in the scientific community on any of them. The scientists who promote the idea of Anthropogenic Global Warming and Flouridation are bought and paid for by the same interests that control the media and world governments.
Members of We are Change, The Sovereign Independent and Freeman Ireland are going to attend this event, spread ourselves amongst the crowd and bombard these fascists with a few of our own “Green” questions on Climate Change, Flouride, Chemtrails and other issues! Everyone is invited to come along, tickets, unfortunately are €5, but we are filming so it should be worth it!
Contact Alan [at] wearechange.ie to be added to the discussion thread. Let’s get organised!
Beach party at the hippie hole in Howth the day after for anyone interested!
Where: Buswells Hotel, 26 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 – Across from the Dáil.
An organisation called Stop Climate Chaos (http://stopclimatechaos.ie) is planning to lobby near the Dail to INCREASE the legislation towards climate change.
This is how these guys are trying to reel people in:
“Climate change hasn’t gone away and this year the Irish Government will make crucial decisions about how it will tackle climate change, now and into the future. Our Government has committed to a passing a Climate Change Bill by the end of 2010, including binding targets for reducing our carbon emissions.
As the Government negotiates the text of this Bill, we must send them a clear message that we expect the bill to be strong, with real enforceable targets that ensure Ireland plays its part in delivering climate justice and a fair and safe future for all.”
These carbon footprint concerned folks are either oblivious to the real results concerning anthropogenic global warming, or they just don’t care. Either way, they’re spreading the wrong message, and their intentions are certainly directed at increasing the power of the governments freedom-killing legislations.
We Are Change shall therefore be hijacking this event. With our knowledge, and a very eagre megaphone (she’s been neglected for long enough at this stage and wants some action), we can promote a message which supercedes theirs, exposing the truth about this criminally abused subject, and quite possibly wake up some of their following in the process.
Open Event – Anyone May Attend And Invite Others To Attend
2 June – “Stop Climate Chaos” anti-protest
When: Wednesday 2 June , 11am to 7pmWhere: Buswells Hotel, 26 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 – Across from the Dáil.
An organisation called Stop Climate Chaos (http://stopclimatechaos.ie) is planning to lobby near the Dail to INCREASE the legislation towards climate change.
“Climate change hasn’t gone away and this year the Irish Government will make crucial decisions about how it will tackle climate change, now and into the future. Our Government has committed to a passing a Climate Change Bill by the end of 2010, including binding targets for reducing our carbon emissions.
As the Government negotiates the text of this Bill, we must send them a clear message that we expect the bill to be strong, with real enforceable targets that ensure Ireland plays its part in delivering climate justice and a fair and safe future for all.”
These carbon footprint concerned folks are either oblivious to the real results concerning anthropogenic global warming, or they just don’t care. Either way, they’re spreading the wrong message, and their intentions are certainly directed at increasing the power of the governments freedom-killing legislations.
We Are Change shall therefore be hijacking this event. With our knowledge, and a very eagre megaphone (she’s been neglected for long enough at this stage and wants some action), we can promote a message which supercedes theirs, exposing the truth about this criminally abused subject, and quite possibly wake up some of their following in the process.
Open Event – Anyone May Attend And Invite Others To Attend